<  Mike "Madman" Marcum  >

and His Homemade Time Machine 

August 5th, 2024 •  53 min

Episode 161! In 2016 a man known as Mike "Madman" Marcum jumped into his home made time machine and hasn’t been seen or heard from again. But this isn’t his first disappearing act. In 1998 he disappeared for 2 years when he claimed he traveled 2 years into the future. His stories made headlines and garnered the attention of Art Bell and his listeners on his Coast To Coast radio show. This week, we’ll talk about Mike Marcum and what we know about him based on interviews and newspaper articles, the details of his time machine and his time travel, and a possible explanation for at least one of his disappearances.

🥃 Whiskey Pick: Old Grand Dad 114

Parental Advisory Warning: We might use strong language.

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